Creedmoor, North Carolina

SWGC Programs, Cowboy Action Shooting

USPSA match results | Bullseye Pistol | Cowboy Action Shooting | 5 Stand Clays
High Power Rifle | Smallbore Rifle | Junior Rifle | Skeet | Youth Skeet

Match Bulletin (PDF)


The second Saturday of each month.

March through October: Set up is 8:00 a.m. Registration is 9:00 a.m. Mandatory safety briefing at 9:30 a.m. Match start time is 10:00 a.m.

November through April: Set up is 9:00 a.m. Registration is 10:00 a.m. Mandatory safety briefing at 10:30 a.m. Match start time is 11:00 a.m.


Fred Stough aka J.M. Brown SASS#27309 at 919-791-9816 in Raleigh, NC, e-mail .


Match is open to the public and to all interested cowboys/girls. Single Action Shooting Society (S.A.S.S.) membership is highly encouraged but is not mandatory. All Matches are Open to Observers and Guests at no charge.


SASS Matches are divided into different Shooting Categories. These are determined by Smokeless or BP, Age, Shooting Style, and Gender. There are two others, (Classic Cowboy and B Western) which contain clothing requirements, minimum calibers and type/make of firearms.


Current S.A.S.S. rules apply. All cowboys/girls will wear cowboy hats, long sleeve shirts and long pants or dresses for ladies, and cowboy boots or leather boots. Ear and eye protection for competitors/spectators are mandatory. The match is held on a "cold range." Guns are loaded and unloaded only at designated tables. All questions are to be directed to the match director. For additional information about the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS), you can check out their web site at https://www.sassnet.com/.



Matches normally require the following: two (2) S.A.S.S. approved single action pistols (Colt, Colt-clones, Ruger, etc.); one (1) lever action pistol caliber only rifle (Winchester 66, 73, 92, 94, Marlins, Italian copies - S.A.S.S. approved); and a shotgun (double without auto-ejectors or a Winchester Model 97 Pump or Clone.)

Entry Fee

SWGC Members: $10.00 per competitor, Non-Member: $15.00 per competitor. Juniors (under 18) shoot free and must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Make checks payable to: Sir Walter Gun Club, Inc. (SWGC)

Maps and Directions | Accommodations